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Romstal Imex Srl
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Romstal Imex Srl
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#13076 din 13076 de Companii din Constructii
Membru Gratuit din 2011
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Scrie o parere
Romstal Imex Srl Romstal Imex Srl 0040724247334 Sos. Vitan Barzesti, Nr. 11A, Bucharest, Ilfov
Produse si servicii

comert cu echipamente pentru instalatii termo-hidro-sanitare

Tipul companiei

Importator - Distribuitor

Piata de desfacere

Europa Centrala/Est

Nr. angajati

peste 1000

Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2011!
Romstal is operating in an extremely competitive market both in Romania and internationally. The challenge of joining of the European Economic Community will be not only a period of great opportunity but will also usher in a greater level of competition.

Romstal has identified that to be successful today and to face with confidence the challenges of the future, investment in the efficient and effective design and operation of our supply chain is critical.

Romstal is extremely aware of the important services and the strategic value that its Suppliers bring to our supply chain.

This has prompted Romstal to review and rationalise its supplier base. Romstal now wishes to work better but with fewer and more capable supply partners.

We have identified a number of Suppliers that we would wish to describe as “Preferred Suppliers” that are critical to our success and we are now prepared to offer these “Preferred Suppliers” the opportunity to work in the long term future with Romstal in a different and improved way.
Din Gura in Gura